1·Nearly everyone can benefit from massage therapy and its ability to relax muscle tissue and improve blood flow.
2·For 2-3 minutes pay attention to every muscle in your body from head to toe. If you find any tense muscle, relax it.
用2 - 3分钟,对你身上从头到脚的每块肌肉集中注意力。如果你感觉到任何紧张的肌肉,放松它。
3·Yet another great way of relaxing is an exercise where you tense each muscle in your body, one body part at a time, and then let the tensed muscle relax.
4·Mint seems to relax the muscle that keeps the valve at the top of the stomach clamped down, increasing the odds of reflux.
5·If it's a massive overwhelming storm of adrenaline, calcium keeps pouring into the cells and the muscle just can't relax.
6·However, hydrogen peroxide can also act to increase the strength of electrical signals from the blood vessel's lining telling the surrounding muscle to relax.
7·Progressive muscle relaxation is an exercise where you breathe slowly to relax your muscles.
8·This herb is said to relax and soothe muscle tissues. It has anti-inflammatory property which is great for alleviating minor aches and pains.
9·After you have learned how to tense and relax each muscle group, here's something else to try.
10·Magnesium nourishes nerves and helps muscles relax, prevents headaches and muscle cramps.